Peace Be With You | 여러분에게 평화

To mark its 12th anniversary and the 5th memorial of the late Kim Bok-dong, the War and Women's Human Rights Museum is hosting a special exhibition titled Peace toBe With You exhibition.

Peace toBe With You celebrates the journey of Kim Bok-dong, a survivor of Japanese military sexual slavery and a prominent women’s rights activist, as she sought peace throughout her life. The title of the exhibition, Peace toBe With You, is inspired by Kim Bok-dong’sher own handwritten message. In her lifetime, she defined peace as a world where people “live comfortably without war.” This exhibition offers a chance to reflect on her legacy and her definition of peace. It features artworks that overlay Kim Bok-dong’sher paintings with those by artist Kim Ji-hyun Kimun. Visitors will also see photos of Kim Bok-dong’s photos and her personal belongings, tracing her activism around the worldworldwide.

The exhibition is divided into three partssections:

  1. PartThe first section 1 exploresexhibits Kim Bok-dong’s early life, focusing on her lost peace, represented through layered works combining her paintings with those by artist Kim Ji-hyunartist Kim Ji-hyun's paintingsartist Jihyun Kim’s.

  2. Part 2The second section showcases her journey to find peace through video presentations.

  3. Part 3The third secition maps Kim Bok-dong’sher activism both in Korea and globally, concluding with her message of peace and an interactive space where visitors can reflect on peace while viewing her belongings.

The exhibition will run from Saturday, May 4, 2024, to Wednesday, April 30, 2025.

Sponsorship Event

UA sponsorship event will support this special exhibition until June 20, 2024, a sponsorship event will be held to support this special exhibition. The War and Women's Human Rights Museum tirelessly advocates for a world without war, relying entirely on public donations. TPublic support is essential for the museum to continue and expand its mission, public support is essential. We invite you to participate in this special sponsorship event to help the museum bring “peace tobe with you.”

Special Exhibition Commemorative Merchandise

In celebration ofA Peace Be With You eco-bag has been released to celebrate the museum’s 12th anniversary and the Kim Bok-dong’s 5th Memorial Special Exhibition, a Peace to You eco-bag has been released. This bag features Kim Bok-dong’sher handwritten message, Peace toBe With You, along withnd two of her artworks, Our House in Yangsan 2 and Childhood Thoughts. With a soft texture and ample space, it’s a perfect, convenient bag to carry anywhere. Visit our museum shop to see it in person!